Its been a week…

Well, I completely failed at maintaining this blog and every other social networking tool that I said I was going to keep up with. The reason: it was freaking beautiful outside this past week. Screw everything else, I disc golfed like a maniac this week and it was sick! Man, oh man. I looooove good weather. Speaking of good weather. I think I might be starting to regret not taking the job I got offered down in Naples, Florida. It wasn’t my dream job; inside sales, phone calling my butt off, won’t pay for relocation expenses. But still, decent pay, sick corporate office, chill people my age, challenging, and it was in one of the nicest places I could want to live. Beautiful beaches, always sunny and breezy, you can sail to the bahamas in about 6 hours… need I say more?

I am usually a “here and now” type of guy, but I’ve been looking back a lot more this week. I think it started when I was listening to some Infected Mushroom and was remember the Testoterhome Raves and how mind blowingly amazing they were. And for that matter, how ridiculously fun, exciting, dynamic and awesome college was. Listening to my friends who are now working the 9-5 lifestyle, I am pretty sure that was and will remain the best time of my life.  I’m not trying to stay stuck in the past, I am just reflecting on how blessed I was and if I happen to die tomorrow, it has been a good life and I’d die a very happy man. Well, thats enough of that… have to keep looking forward, I am truly optimistic about the future, I just wish it would get here faster — of course as soon as it passes me by, I know I’ll wish I could still look forward to it, but such is life.

So, I’m starting something new for this blog. I am going to post a full length film for ya’ll to watch each week or so. I am going to post it on the side bar over there ———> if you would like to download it and watch it. Can’t promise you’ll like it, but I can promise it’ll be a good film. If you don’t like it, you have no taste. I am just kidding, well, only half kidding really.  Anyway, this week I’m posting a film called “Boy A”. It’s an English film about this kid who having been institutionalized for most of his life, is finally released from prison at the age of 24. He and another boy murdered a child when they were children. The film follows his attempts to readjust to the world outside of confinement and restart a life which never really got going. It is a very interesting, somewhat depressing, but overall compelling story. It made me think how life really is a one-shot deal, one event, good or bad, can change and redefine you life forever. You’ll need VLC player (I’ll link that as well) to watch it.

In other news, I found a sick local brewery that gives free tours and even more importantly, free beer on Saturdays. What a great Saturday activity; brew education and brew consumption all in one. Speaking of beer, I have rediscovered my love for PBR and I have decided it taste like Harrisonburg. You can interpret that as you wish.

Well, I like to say well a lot in my blog writing. And it’s about time for me to stop writing. But, before I sign off, lets review this past weeks blog poll. This was last weeks poll was disappointing since I usually receive more results and better answers. The question was… “What is the one film I must see before I die?” The answers I received were: “fight club”, “a film of my life”, “other”, “action film” and “I lost the Game”. Of these responses, only one of them was an actual film I think, and I’ve already seen it. I think asking people to type something was too much work, I am going to go back to just clicking on bubbles instead. But I will leave the “other” choice and you can write whatever you want and I will report it/blog on it.

Thats it folks. Don’t for get to vote in this weeks poll and check out the posted film!!! ———————————>

~ by detwilzl on March 14, 2009.

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