I’ve run out of clever titles already…

Films. I love em. (and when I say films, I mean movies, I’m just trying to be snobby by calling them films)

Right before I went off to college for the first time, I saw a series of films that impacted me in very deep way. These films changed my perspective on many things, introduced me to new ideas, and instilled in me feelings of a magnitude I hadn’t felt before. This time was in fact the summer before my days at JMU kicked off. Well, recently I took a gander at what new films have come out that I would like to see and I have to say I haven’t been this excited about a group films in a very long time. In looking at this group of new films I realized that they were directed or written by the same filmmakers that made the select few films that inspired me before going off to school. Now I don’t if these films were really as inspiring and life altering as I make them out to be, but I know that I was in place in my life where I was getting ready for some big changes and I know that this in a way opened me up to be affected by these films. That change I was preparing for was to go off to college, meet a thousand new people, have a thousand new experiences, and frankly just have the time of my life.  Four and a half years later I am in the same place, getting ready for changes, and the same filmmakers are coming out with a bunch of films I am really pumped about. Sadly, the change is going from college to real life, not as fun, but equally as exciting and unknown. Hopefully I’m not disappointed by these new films, and will be inspired again in new ways, we will see. A few of them are:

  • Revolutionary Road – directed by Sam Mendes who also directed American Beauty – my favorite film of all time.
  • The Wrestler – directed and produced by Darren Aronofsky who also directed Requiem for a Dream – I think my 2nd favorite film of all time.
  • Synecdoche, New York – written by Charlie Kaufman who also wrote Adaptation, Being John Malkovich, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind – all way way up there on my list.
  • A few others I’m excited about include: Slumdog Millionaire, The Reader, Seven Pounds, Doubt, The International, and Gran Torino – all of these I feel will be well worth my time to watch, which I can’t say of many recent films.

Speaking of films, I’ve got a few and if you want to watch one, let me know and I will send it to you, digitally. That goes for live musical performances as well. Click to check out the film list or musical performance list.

Before I sign off lets look at last post’s survey results:


My scientific data reports equal parts of people who read this blog like dogs and hate animals, I don’t know how to interpret that. It seems that most readers like cats, and 29% are stupid, because I don’t know if you saw the title correctly, but that monkey you chose will eat your face off. For this post blog I’m going to do something diffrent.

For this post’s blog please enter in the space marked “other” what the one film is I must see before I die. Let me remeind you I won’t know who you are, so if you really like Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, no one can hold it against you.  I will report back the data next post.

So DO IT ——————————>——————>————–>———–>———>——>—–>—->—>–>->

~ by detwilzl on March 5, 2009.

One Response to “I’ve run out of clever titles already…”

  1. You know if you really want to be snobby you could consistently refer to movies as “motion pictures” I feel like that would annoy people which is basically all snobs do.

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