a grand experiment

Welcome. Notice that I did not capitalize the title in effort to be more trendy and hip.

Here’s the deal: I am taking it upon myself to become as visible on and involved in the Internet as humanly possible .

Why: In recent years I have become more introverted when it come to my online presence. I began to feel that it was all a big waste of time: facebook, aim, blogging, etc… It actually started to disgust me how self-absorbed people were and how everyone had the idea that the world revolves around them to the degree that they need to update there status online before going to the grocery store or going over to so-and-so’s house or going to sleep – just in case their public needed to know. Who on earth could really care if your going to the grocery store or sleeping!? I felt that people I saw spent so much time updating and blogging, and checking other peoples updates and blogs that they were too busy updating and blogging their lives to just enjoy and live them.

Recently I have been inspired to question this hate I have towards online social tools.


  • I realize that to blog or use online social tools you must constantly examining your own thoughts and feelings.  To be introspective and continuously self-observe and report on conscious inner thoughts, desires and sensations is a healthy practice and one that I have not participated in for too long.
  • I just graduated from college a.k.a. I am unemployed. An online presence can only help to have people thinking about me and potential jobs; any publicity is good publicity.
  • Before I decide to really hate something I feel I must try it. Facebook is really the only social networking tool I’ve tried and fully committed on. If I try them all that gives me the right to hate them all. [I will still never sign up for myspace because I will never join something with such terrible and trashy web design]
  • Andrew Jasper: I never thought Jasper could or would inspire me to do anything except maybe get inebriated and hit on girls or break my leg, arm, or other appendage. Jasper started blogging and I have to say I enjoy his blog very much and am inspired by his transparency and candor.
  • I have the time right now for experiments like this and I know I won’t soon, plus I like trying new things.

The premise:

The premise for the experiment is simple: use as many social networking and online tools as possible to become as transparent and involved as possible. I will post, update, or participate in some way on each social networking/online tool once every 3 days. I aiming to do this for 1 month, but it may be longer or shorter based on my how my job search progresses. The social networking/online tool I am participating in are:

Well, that’s it. We’ll see how this goes. However, I do reserve the right to completely trash this idea and resume living happily without updating all this crap.

Oh, and do that poll that’s right over there ———>


~ by detwilzl on February 27, 2009.

One Response to “a grand experiment”

  1. I’ll be reading and analyzing your websocial experiment. I’ve always been interested to know if all the blogging and constant updating of social network sites is truly worth it. Maybe you in turn will inspire me… time will tell.

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